Tuesday 25 March 2014

The treat

So, more than the apparent joy people should smug their faces with on one's birthday, the "treat" is what is often craved for. Questions inquiring the place and time of the treat go on reverberating after each handshake, and some wishers are so worried about the prospect of free food  that the FBI would love to hire them.
Nevertheless, it's a sad world we live in; where what we crave for is seldom given to us. So, if, after so many repeated prayers and other piously driven religious ceremonies, GOD doesn't give what they want, who am I do go against the law and treat everyone? More than the disapproval of going against this law of nature 'cause of ethical reasons, the limited some of money that my folks stick me with is what makes me an ardent believer of the Almighty's strategies.
So,yesterday,there I was, with two of my closest friends, on whom the word 'bro' can be aptly stamped on, and three girls too. 'There is no fun in anything when the ratio of the sexes is imbalanced,' is what someone had told me, and, me being a bigger fool had bought it; and I feel pathetic for falling  prey to these "words of wisdom", not 'cause I jailed my fun activities to show them my gentleman's poster, but 'cause it went against my belief of how guys are more fun than girls. Well, being in an all boys' school all my life, and now, suddenly plunging into a coed college, that's my opinion and perception.

The music is loud, it's dark, and yet visibility is not zero; there is a TV, and there is a projector screen,too; there's a table with two almost-sofas semi-perimeter-ing it, and there we are sitting on them, thinking about how the whole day would lead on from now. Although it was already afternoon, but, let's swim with the current. So, um, that's just what was walking in my mind; I am not some psychic guru to tell what the others were thinking. However, going by their gestures, and postures, and trusting my art of deduction, I think they weren't thinking of something great either.

We ordered, and we waited. That's how life is, right? Wait and wait, and then eat the fruit. The fruit was chicken here, and the unmentioned beverages, which we were entitled to going by the fact that all of us had completed at least 18 revolutions of the mother Earth, were served, and the Constitutional justice was upheld.
It is always worth the wait is a cliched phrase, but in our case, it really was worth all the wait. The food, along with the beverages arrived, only to be molested by our hands, which made everything even more relishing; but heck, who cares when the oppressed are not heard, and we just assume that everything is alright in the world, and then go back into our delusional beds? No one does. So, why would we?

Drunk was the word that was hallucinating all over. Six hours had passed by, and time, like some bird-y dream just flew away. It was dark on the outside of the premises too now. Our brains' reins were tangled I reckon because we didn't know what to do. We were hungry! We were broke! We were drunk! But, we were happy. That's what keeps us going, isn't it? Staying happy in every situation.

When one door closes, either another one or two more open apparently, but now, a door had just appeared. Looking around, standing outside the building that had given us hazy scenes by emptying our pockets, what do we see? A door. The door to the reception of a recently married happy( let's be optimistic) couple.
What does one think of when the sound waves decode to the statement of 'newly married'? Yes, the first night sex, but that's more of an intimate matter; the food at the wedding! That does create Niagara falls inside our mouths. So,  the thought of the aroma, and the hype surrounding the food at the wedding lured us into the ceremony; and we ended up in casuals in an area ambassador-ed by formals. Weird we felt not. Why would we when there was super awesome free food? Humans are selfish, and we were humans. Enough said; and humans are stupid, 'cause firstly, it was really stupid of us to go there uninvited, the hunger and drunkard-ness is another issue, and secondly, none of the people with bright, over-stretched smiles noticed us, the intruders. So, it was more of a stupid-stupid situation, and we proved Einstein right all over again.

After filling our stomachs to satiety, the four of us; oh! I forgot to tell you that two of the girls had abandoned us midway during our voyage towards being drunk. So, the four of us, had out tummies slightly out, and as everyone thinks of doing the cliched right things after praising their selfish motives, we thought of letting the couple, who were acting as the Statue of Liberty at the moment, posing with everybody on the stage,  know that we were here.
Taking inspirations from Shawshank Redemption, we took a tissue, wrote a message," Thank you Mr and Mrs. We are very grateful for everything. You don't know us, but we do; and this is to let you know that WE WERE HERE", and gave it to a waiter, asked him to give it to the bride, and then did a Usain Bolt.

It was 2200 hours! We were on the road. Our parents thought that we were somewhere safe in the hostel owing to the lies we had showered upon them; so, we had just ourselves who cared. The street was deserted, packs of dogs ruled the streets now, the lights seemed brighter, and the breeze felt cooler, and we still felt 'high'. I took out my BlackBerry, dialed a number, booked ourselves a room in my friend's place, and off we were to spend the night there.
And, then, it was sunrise again. It was eleven in the morning. Unike, dominos falling down in a regular interval, all of us got up somehow, did what our bodies commanded us to do, and off we were to out respective houses to spend the sunday with our folks.