Sunday 24 November 2013

The morning hassles

The alarm beeps," 'Tts six.It is back!" Monday is here. Like karma,gone around and back, To feast upon the humans as snacks! With the snow flakes outside,and quilt upon; 'To stick to my place',is what I want. The archaic measures to knit my ravelled comfort find their way through; Hallucinating is then what I do. Suffocating seems my precious sleep's extension, But,I've to rise again in order to fulfil my detention:- A beautiful one perhaps it would be; With smiles and flirts and hugs my date should be. The voyage is long,and a tough one to sail; A perfect piece for the Guinness amidst all the gale. The effort does bear the sweet fruit alas; Teary I stand next to my better half thus. To bid adieu is the easiest task they say not; Brimming with need I hug my bed 'cause that is just what I want !