Saturday 10 December 2011

Anna Hazare -the Indian Hitler or Gandhi? REALLY?!!

Well many  .. err not many but a considerable amount of ppl call him the Hitler of modern India  and a very large number of ppl call him the Gandhi of modern India.  Well , Mr. Anna surely has done enough deeds to be qualified for both the nominations .
Not many would know ,but Mr Anna started his social work when he retired from the army ,and that was much before my birth  . And this social work included improving the conditions of his village Ralegaon siddi ,which he achieved by rejuvenating the environmental conditions in his village. And thus for this reason ,Mr.anna is a well renowned personality ,not only in the political world,but also in the environmentalists' circle .I myself first came across this man in my 9th standard's EVS textbook  (for ppl who are puzzled- in ICSE and ISC you are made to study EVS as a compulsory subject ) .
Being a jawan in the army and losing all his comrades in a war ,this man was well patriotic and conditioned by life. He has experienced the TRUE LIFE ,about which not many of us would  even like to dream . Well ,this is just what a think .
so , yeah , without much loss of time Anna made his grand entry into my list of inspiring ppl ,which included "great celeb" like Wayne Rooney ,Dave Mustaine ,Joey Jordison  .. etc. Like all other teens ,my list included all the "cool " ppl who had nothing to do with welfare but had everything to do with music and sports. The only two leaders that lingered their way in were Gandhiji and Hitler . I know that's quite contrasting, but i believe that both are brand ambassadors of complementary  abstracts. One can't have peace if no war was there and vice verse .
Anyway,  so there Anna was in my list . A completely distinguished personality , who had not more that 10% of the support he enjoys today . Though i had to mug up what all and how did he do stuff to make improve the condition of his village like afforestation ,using biogas,rain water harvesting etc.,but that mugging up made me respect him even more. I thought to myself that even a man known to none had come from nowhere making me mug up his doings to pass in my exam . This was the thing that has kept inspiring me till date.

Today Anna has the support of  80% of the country ,who hail him as the Gandhi of modern India.Chants of "i am Anna" have reached all the major streets of India.His present fight ,i.e. against corruption ,interests almost everyone in this country ,and thus Anna has transformed from a man know to few to a man unknown to few. he has made the many ,that support him, feel that system can change in this country. Though many support him blindly because of the huge lack of trust in our politicians, Anna has managed most of the citizens to raise their voice against corruption.
I've heard a lot say that his methods our "unconstitutional " ,but i'd like to ask them ,do the "elected " ppl actually follow the constitution ?I mean where else ,other than in a circus,would u find ppl throwing stuff at each other. These very elected ppl who claim to be our representatives have left no stone unturned to make a mockery of our motherland .
"he has paralysed the parliament " ,is another famous quote anonymously coined by the elected ppl . Well, either way the parliament is paralysed due to the random fits which these parliamentarians get,which causes them to shout at top of their voice and destroy everything for which the tax-payers have paid. But i don't feel his methods are wrong. I mean is fasting not the most appropriate and best to mark ur protest in a democratic country like ours ?

So ,the ppl who support him blindly ,and those who feel only Gandhiji could fast for days hail Anna as the Gandhi of modern times ;and those who are related to some political party, and also those who  don't like his methods for some reason and still believe in the elected ppl and the very constitution; they endorse him as the Hitler of India.
Well,I consider him neither Hitler nor Gandhji.For me he still remains the same Anna, about whom i read in the 9th grade;who changed his village and his now trying his heart out to change the country . .. phew too big a task  .. but I am with you Anna :D